Flugur eru að stinga hundinn minn hvað get ég gert?

Flugur eru að stinga hundinn minn hvað get ég gert?
Ef ykkur vantar aðstoð. Hafið samband eða hringið í 6997092

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“Lýsnar æ flærnar bíta mig hvað á ég að gera” segir prestur “Nú bíttu þær aftur vinurinn segir prestins kona”

Það er rigning og lítið að gera.

Mér datt því í hug að leita að upplýsingum.

Margir eiga gæludýr t.d. hunda.

Flugur og skordýr geta ráðist á þá og stungið.

Ég er með hunda heima, þannig að það er vel til fundið að vera viðbúinn. Veldu linkinn að  neðan sjá 17 ráðleggingar.




Sýnir geitung á fingri

En hér koma ráðleggingar.

Þær eru að vísu á ensku en til að ég sé ekki að rugla með þýðinguna læt ég enskuna gilda

1. Skin So Soft bath oil by Avon.
I mix one part Skin So Soft and five parts water. Put it in a spray bottle. You can spray your hands then rub the solution into the dogs ears and body. Do not get it into his face and protect the eyes. Your dog will smell great and no more flies. It kills fleas too.

Rub it into the fur and down to the skin. Do not let your pet lick it or apply it around his face.

2. Buzz Off, an all natural insect repellent. (http://www.buzzoff.us)
3. I spray non-chemical mosquito repellent
4. Vaseline Petroleum Jelly on his ears. The ears will become inflamed and infected   unless you protect them.
5. Flea ointment on the Dog’s ears.
6. green gel to get flies off my baby’s ears.
7. I know gnats hate vanilla, but will coco butter shampoo for humans repel both the flies and gnats?
8. Tea tree oil…only a few drops needed.
9.I had made some rosemary and garlic oil out of olive oil. I was desperate and rubbed some of this over her and all afternoon the flies have left her alone. Is this safe to continue using?
10. Royal Almond body oil?
11. lemon oil
12. Garlic pills
13. We have horses and a Blue Heeler that I use this horse/dog spary on. It’s called ‘ZONK IT!35’
14. SWAT. It is really greasy but works great.
15. Buzz Off, an all natural insect repellent.
16. VIP Ointment
17. “Burt’s Bees”
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